Albert Herring

Teatr Wielki in Poznań (in co-production with Halle Opera House)
Director: Karolina Sofulak
Set and costume designer: Dorota Karolczak
Associate director: Eugene Lavrenchuk
Conductor: Jerzy Wołosiuk
Associate conductor: Mieczysław Unger
Lighting designer: Wiktor Kuźma
Video designer: Radosław Cabała
Production photos: Bartek Barczyk, Filip Adamus 

“The name Sofulak guarantees a lot of good fun with the theatrical form itself, often with simple means – a few props and a play of lights. Just like in old Venetian commedia dell’arte, where all that was necessary to keep the audience thoroughly entertained was a stage platform, a curtain, and a few actors wearing masks and costumes. In Albert Herring, with the thrifty but ingenious set by Dorota Karolczak, everything is ambiguous and underpinned by a question about true identity”.

Gazeta Wyborcza